The story of Jessica the Hippo is a heartwarming tale of an extraordinary relationship between a wild hippopotamus and her human caretakers. Jessica's story began in 2000 when she was just a young calf and became separated from her mother during a heavy storm in South Africa's Kruger National Park.
The SECURA Traveller App
SATSA, SECURA, and SATIB have worked together to develop a tourism-specific safety app called SECURA Traveller. The SECURA Traveller app has access to South Africa's largest network of armed and medical response companies
Offers Armed Response and Medical Assistance in your pocket. Read more about the Secura App here.
Further Reading
The Tzaneen Lion & Predator Park is located on our Letaba River Lodge and is jampacked with activities for the whole family. Whether you’re in the mood for a relaxing bush escape or a day full of adventure, you’ll find something here that's just right for you. Our animals are all very well taken care of and most of the resident wildlife are animal rescues. We also offer guided interactive tours.
Crafted with pride. Poured with pleasure Craft Producers of Whisky, Gin,Brandy and Vodkas. “To amble through our fascinating working craft-distillery is to walk in the footsteps of master-distillers Pierre and Loumarie Raubenheimer , who are on their twenty-year-long quest towards the realization of their dream.”
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